Chiaki Inoue
Based in Tokyo, Chiaki takes the lead in Portas’ Japan operations
Born in Japan, raised in The Netherlands, Germany, USA, Canada, and Japan, Chiaki has 20 years of experience in the sports industry - domestic and internationally, with passion and focus on the social impact of sports partnerships, social inclusion through sport and para-sport
Her experience covers a wide range of services from strategy development, mid- to long-term strategy development to organizational restructuring for international sports organizations, National Olympic and Paralympic Committees, Japanese sports organizations, sponsors, national broadcasters, and national & local government agencies
Chiaki participated in Tokyo Olympics & Paralympics in 2021 as part of Team Canada Mission Staff, and currently supports Japan Women’s National Field Hockey team (Sakura Japan- qualified for Paris 2024) as a Team Staff, and will be attending Paris Olympics in 2024 as a member of Team Japan
Previously Chiaki was at L.E.K. Consulting, Nielsen Sports (Consulting), Special Olympics Nippon (Japan)
She has multiple degrees included a PhD-ABD in Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences with focus in Adapted Physical Activity from University of Tsukuba, a MA in Human Kinetics from University of Ottawa and also attended Springfield College for a MS in Therapeutic Recreation Management with Child Life specialization) and the University of Ottawa gaining a BSc in Leisure Studies.